Security Statement
When you log on to the, we respect your privacy. uses the information you provide us to help personalise product information and offers. We only use your information to notify you about promotional items, news and offers. We will never give or sell your user information or email address to anyone without your consent.
Email Privacy Matters
We use your email address to send you information and updates about On your registration form you may select whether or not you want to receive emails from us. You can unsubscribe at any time you wish to be taken off the emailing list.
Cookies and Your Computer
Like most e-commerce websites, we use "cookie" technology. A cookie is a very small text file that a website can save onto your computer's hard disk to store your information and settings. When you log on, the cookie tells us whether you have visited us before or are a new visitor. It doesn't track any personal information, give us the means to contact you, extract information from your computer or deliver viruses. Furthermore, your address or credit card information is never stored in a cookie. Cookies are simply the most efficient way for us to be able to offer you an enjoyable online shopping environment.
Disclosure of Personal Information
Any information you provide to us at this site when you establish or update an account, enter a contest, shop online or request information (i.e. name, address, email address, telephone number and credit card information), is maintained in private files on our secure Web server and our internal systems. This information is used to enable to deliver services and information about our products to you.
For your convenience, may contain links to other sites. is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Websites.
Security believes in providing a safe and secure shopping experience for all of our clients. We provide stringent and effective security measures on our Website.
It is our policy to never send private information, such as your credit card number, via email. In fact, this is a practice we recommend you adopt in all of your Internet activities.
Third-Party Ad-Servers
We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on our behalf. These companies may employ cookies and action tags (also known as single pixel .gifs or web beacons) to measure advertising effectiveness. Any information that these third parties collect via cookies and action tags is completely anonymous.